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first nfts on the Internet Computer

10,000 randomly generated, unique collectible clowns with proof of ownership stored on the Internet Computer blockchain. Created as a reference to a meme comparing the Internet Computer token (ICP) with the Insane Clown Posse - an American hip hop duo founded in 1989.

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As we progress with how many ICPunks are given away, we have something special for you:



We send ICPunks to Dfinity team that helped us launch the project and supported us along the way.



We send ICPunks to influencers and supporters that helped us promote the project.



We send a free NFT to everyone who claimed an ICPunk!



We release a guide to rare ICPunks - check how valuable is your punk!



It’s a success! We launch a simple page to exchange your clowns with others.

We also plan the future after all punks will be claimed:

Q3 2021:

Launch the ICPunks marketplace where you can trade, buy and sell your ICPunks for ICP tokens.

Q4 2021:

Open the ICPunks marketplace to other NFTs, and launch the first NFT marketplace on Internet Computer. New small collection will be distributed to our supporters!

Q1 2021:

Start experimenting with crosschain solutions, so that you can bring your favorite NFTs to Internet Computer from Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain.

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